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In recent years, people have been actively buying veterinary medicines., which are used for treatment of many diseases. Counts, that animal drugs are more effective and cheaper. Is it so? Comments by Vitaliy Vladimirovich AVDIEVSKY-POSTOLAKI, veterinarian, graduate of the Lviv Veterinary Academy, practicing 15 years old.

– Виталий Владимирович, How is medicine for animals different from medicine for humans??

– До XVII века такого разделения вообще не было. Medicine was one, people were treated by the same methods, and animals. Then medicine split. But common in the physiology of humans and animals, as you know, many.

– Часто приходится слышать о ветеринарном препарате АСД, its effects in the treatment of humans. What is this medicine?

– АСД разработал и внедрил российский ветеринарный врач Алексей Власьевич Дорогов. The war is not over yet, and the All-Union Institute of Experimental Veterinary Medicine received a top-secret order from the very "top": in the shortest possible time to create a universal protective agent for people, and for animals, something like an elixir of life, which can be used in emergency situations, especially in wartime. To fulfill this most important strategic task, a laboratory was created, where in January 1945 year and invited Dorogov to work.

Sick horses were the first test animals, cows, piglets. The received data inspired: the drug worked, and very efficient: a large percentage of animals recovered, the plague was cured, ringworm, footrot, myth, intestinal and lung diseases. Especially well and quickly treated eczema, dermatitis, scabies, микроспория и раны – процент выздоровления был почти абсолютный…

Имен первых добровольцев – людей, who have tested a new drug, – мы, probably, we'll never know. "Funnels" came for Dorogov, pick him up on his way to or from work. High-ranking patients were treated incognito, and, judging by that, that their doctor remained free, successfully. And the diseases were serious, with which, apparently, Kremlin doctors could not cope. According to unverified sources, Dorogov cured the mother of Lavrenty Beria from cancer. ASD was included in the State Register of Inventions of the USSR, Dorogov issued a copyright certificate, and in a short time the drug began to be produced by the Akrikhim plant.

noteworthy, that Dorogov himself is from a large peasant family, his mother was a village healer, bone right. Ancient books brought to us the recipe for a magical brew, which included frog legs, Lion's Heart, live scorpion, the wing of an eagle. ... With such a strange medicine, sorcerers and soothsayers treated quite earthly diseases, and succeeded. Препарат АСД – антисептик-стимулятор Дорогова – также состоит из органического материала, is a product of dry distillation of animal tissue (meat and bone meal). When sublimating proteins, fats, carbohydrates, nucleic acids are gradually broken down to low molecular weight components. Let's call them "primaries", since all living organisms are built from them, including the human.

Academician Vladimir Filatov was the founder of tissue therapy, who headed the famous clinic of eye diseases named after Filatov in Odessa. Filatov spoke, that the organism does not die immediately: consciousness goes, but tissues still live for some time. Он помещал препараты тканей в камеры с низкой температурой и получал БАДы – биологически активные вещества. One of Filatov's preparations, extant to this day, became a solution of aloe.

Dorogov followed the same principle. He tested different fabrics, starting with frogs. But gradually came to the conclusion, that the source of their receipt does not matter. Everything ingenious is simple. Whatever Dorogov did, processing fabrics: put them in a pressure chamber, burned, boiled for many days. But in the end, the most powerful effect was achieved, using the device, very similar to moonshine.

Despite the ease of processing, the composition of the drug turned out to be complex. He not only easily took part in the metabolic processes of the body, but was also an immunomodulator. ASD restores the correct ratio of cells, involved in the regulation of various processes, thereby ensuring the work of all organs and systems. Dorogov always emphasized, that the drug he invented does not directly affect microbes and bacteria, and it affects the human body, that he himself destroys these microbes and bacteria, getting the power you need.

– В апреле 1951 years in the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) Stalin received a letter from a Moldovan village with the following content: “For nine years, both of my daughters had tuberculosis, but nothing helped. Then I decided to use the preparation of the veterinarian Dorogov. My eldest daughter Nina was treated by him for nine months. But when in the dispensary, not finding anything on the x-ray in her lungs (after two voluminous caverns and foci), she was asked, Is this possible and how is she treated?, and she answered, they commented on the drug: "And you drank that stink!». And when Dorogov needed an x-ray, it caused quite a stir in the dispensary. Запросить снимок – нельзя!.. This drug in a number of positive cases, probably, like a bolt from the blue fell on the doctors. Well what to do, sometimes in life you have to give way to those standing behind ... Probably, Comrade. Stalin will not let this thing die, if needed".

– Вероятно, Stalin, who at that time did not feel well, hoped too... Who knows? But Dorogov's drug was given the green light in those years: the inventor was not disturbed, colleagues behaved in the highest degree correctly. But then the open persecution of the scientist began. In April 1955, under the guise of enlargement of the tissue therapy laboratory, which was headed by Dorogov, disbanded, 15 employees were assigned to other laboratories, the topic was removed from the general plan of the institute. At the same time, they carried out intensified provocative propaganda, suggesting the unsuitability of the drug. The workshop for the production of ASD was closed, supposedly he was dangerous from a fire point of view.

Director of the Institute Professor Leonov took advantage of Dorogov's absence from work with 19 by 25 April 1955 years due to illness and issued an order for his dismissal, although a sick leave was submitted. At the end of May 1957 year in the apartment of the scientist was searched, lasting five hours ... Five months later, Dorogov was gone. According to eyewitnesses, he died under mysterious circumstances, died at the gate of his house in the suburbs. No one was involved in determining the cause of death., Dorogov was written off, like his invention.

According to the original technology, the ASD-2 and ASD-3 preparations were previously produced at the Armavir biofactory. Now it is produced by the Moscow enterprise "Cascade-Medical". На флаконе – голограмма для защиты от подделок.

– Правда ли то, that ASD helps cancer patients?

– Есть данные о благоприятном лечении фракцией АСД-2 рака кожи и рака желудка первой стадии у человека. After removal of the tumor, ASD is taken to prevent metastases.. I would like to especially note, that in the treatment of cancers of the second and third stages, only a surgeon can help. Cases of healing from cancer after the use of ASD are not officially registered., неофициально – да, such cases are known. Besides, ASD-2 is used in the treatment of stomach ulcers, chronic gastritis and colitis, with infertility in women, caused by hormonal imbalance.

How ASD-3 is used?

– С 1996 year it is officially used in human medicine, first of all, in the treatment of papillomotosis, в гинекологии – эрозии и язвы шейки матки. With a toothache, you can apply a cotton swab, wetted ASD-3. With sea buckthorn oil, it perfectly treats psoriasis.

Do you personally know cases, when SDA helped people?

– Моя соседка применяет уже третий курс АСД. She smokes with 10 years old, she has upper respiratory tract catarrh, terrible cough.

Why, then, this drug is not being introduced in large quantities??

– Если бы врачи признали АСД – половину противовоспалительных нестероидных средств пришлось бы убрать с аптечных полок.

How does it work on animals?, for which it was created?

– Я работаю с АСД уже 10 years old. A five percent solution of the ASD-2 fraction in injections was used in the treatment of mammary gland tumors in dogs. Treatment was successful in all five cases.. According to my data, the same results in veterinarians of Rostov-on-Don, other cities. Injections of the drug are used to remove warts in cows: injections are made at the base of the wart, and after three to five days it dries up. In my practice, ASD has displaced about 10-20 drugs. I use it in the treatment of warts, pneumonia, purulent rhinitis in cows, parasitic diseases - conjunctivitis, keratitis.

Animals get cancer?

– Нет. Even the pigs, who are very similar in their physiology to humans. The reason is that they do not live to old age.. Cancer is a disease of the long-lived. But in animals, who are kept in apartment conditions, cancer is also seen, and even hypertension. Diabetes is very common in domestic dogs and cats., urolithiasis disease. These diseases are not typical for wild and stray animals., they mostly suffer from parasitic diseases.

– Почему же у домашних питомцев возникают «человеческие» болезни?

– Главные причины – те же, as us: specific diet (first of all, use of dry food), hypodynamia and stress. Dogs and cats are robbed of their health by stress, arising in communication with a person. Dog or cat suffering, if you do not see the owner for a long time, if he's not in the mood, neglects his younger friend. That is for animals., like for a human, many diseases are a product of civilization. Interesting, what, eg, the monks did not have diabetes, we will never find prescriptions for hypertension in monastic hospitals, diabetes, other metabolic diseases.

– Многие пользуются ветеринарными препаратами из серии «Ализан». What is this medicine?

– Скажу вам прямо: they are treated to 80 percent of the population. If the inventor of diclofenac were alive, he would have twisted the heads of all the producers of alizan. Although, если взвешивать все аргументы за и против диклофенака – ни один разумный врач сейчас его не назначит. This drug is banned in many countries, India banned it first. Up to five percent of people, using diclofenac, refer to doctors with intestinal bleeding. Of course, developing new drugs, eg, acyclofenac under the trade name Aertal - effective, with the fewest side effects.

В российском городе Сергиев Посад выпускают самый эффективный и оригинальный ализан – три серии гелей. This is a clinically proven drug., environmentally friendly and natural. Its components are 11 May, including a series, pepper, narcissist, turpentine, chestnut, yarrow, St. John's wort, as well as silver ions, алантаин – все это соединяется с молекулой димексида, which penetrates very quickly into tissues.

Alizan has a complex effect, without having a negative impact, affects a wide range of diseases of the musculoskeletal system: dystrophy, inflammation, improves local blood circulation, relieves muscle spasms, has a warming effect.

I conducted experiments on treatment with Alizan on myself, on relatives and neighbors. I can say with confidence: it heals trophic ulcers, gangrene in diabetics, felons, myositis, radiculitis, bursitis, sciatica, neuralgia. As an adjuvant can be used in the treatment of ankylosing spondylitis, spondylitis arthritis, herniated discs. With otitis of the facial nerve, the best first aid is to apply cotton wool with the drug on the face! The medicine is well absorbed., penetrates deep into tissues, no additional massage required.

Interesting, that the whole composition of herbs with a Dimexide molecule, connected in alizan, used in the preparation of the same name, which was created for Yuri Gagarin. Dimexide relieves inflammation and, what is the most amazing, вы наносите его на палец – и уже через 10 minutes you smell in your mouth!

– Еще одним препаратом, in high demand by people, is a cream for cows "Burenka". They say, it perfectly softens the skin, heals cracks. Why is this remedy so effective??

– Потому что оно создано для коровы массой в полтонны! A person weighs on average 80 kilograms. Of course, for a massive animal, a drug is produced with a very high concentration of active substances - there are more than 10 times more, than in "human" medicines. Medicines for humans are produced with a very low content of the main component and with a large presence of excipients.. It is very important that, that the effectiveness of drugs for animals undergoes rapid monitoring of effectiveness.

– Какие еще ветеринарные препараты вы считаете универсальными?

– Уникальный препарат лантовет выпускает сейчас витебская фабрика. The creator, by the name of Farber, took the active substance glycolan as a basis. It covers the wound with a thin film, gives a healing and anti-inflammatory effect. Also used for burns.. The first steps are being taken to use a new drug for the treatment of humans. I personally used it in the treatment of a child, burned with boiling water. In a week everything was healed. Now glycolan is added to ointments and creams, it protects against excess water, especially effective for sunburn.

Doctor Butlerov from Kazan researches xeroform and iodoform, created a veterinary drug, which is successfully used after castration in animals. Dentists noticed: если наполнять этим препаратом зубное дупло – эффект прекрасный. Now many dentists are running around Chisinau in search of this drug.. At one time, an unpleasant odor is destroyed and a therapeutic effect is obtained..

Urotropin veterinarians used for toxic infections. Doctors began to use it for diseases of the bladder, kidney, skin, eye, I cleaned it.

– Еще популярен шампунь для лошадей. Do you recommend it to people?

– Шампунь для гривы и хвоста людям применять нельзя. At first, horse hair is much thicker - somewhere 0,4-0,5 micron. Secondly, he is covered in a thick layer of sweat, what we don't see. Shampoo contains turpentine, which adversely affects human hair. Women, who wash their hair with horse shampoo, put them in great danger. I can give examples of massive hair loss after using mane and tail products..

How much cheaper are veterinary drugs and why??

– Лекарства для животных в 10-15 times cheaper, than for people. for example, 700 mg alizana worth 500 p. And the price of a 15-20-gram tube of diclofenac is 80-160 p depending on the manufacturer. Diclofenac must be rubbed, after use, stains remain on the linen, need to waste laundry detergent. Alizan leaves no trace.

– Получается, the cost of medicines has nothing to do with their cost? Usually, explaining why a new drug is so expensive, refer to the costs of scientific research...

– Ассигнования на проведение тестирования не могут значительно увеличивать цену лекарства. Yes, and not so often mass tests are carried out. Last drug, which has been researched on 70 thousands of people, was ibuprofen. After the collapse of the USSR, drugs are almost not tested. first, which contributes to the reduction in the cost of veterinary drugs, – массовость их производства: she is many times more, than when using drugs for medical purposes.

– Часто ли делаются революционные открытия в лечении людей и животных?

– После открытия антибиотиков вторым революционным открытием медицины было изобретение статинов. They treat sclerosis in humans, lower cholesterol levels. According to European doctors, in 52 percent of the studied, a pronounced clinical effect is manifested. But statins do not help people of the third age, they are effective for patients 30-40 years old: atherosclerotic plaques are reduced, blood flow improves, lowers cholesterol levels.

Mildronate was another revolutionary drug., invented in the 70s in Latvia and used with 1984 of the year. This is an antioxidant solution., normalizing energy metabolism of cells, undergoing hypoxia or ischemia, supporting energy metabolism of the heart and other organs. Now doctors consider any disease as oxidative stress., поэтому такие лекарства – будущее медицины.

The revolutionary discovery was made in the 70s by MD Valentin Govallo, immunologist, Deputy Director of the Central Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics of the USSR, put forward the idea of ​​the similarity of the development of pregnancy and cancer in the human body. Govallo received an extract of the placenta and proposed to administer it for cancer - this was the first immunomodulator. scientist, what is called, "ate", his discoveries were patented by others.

Владимир Скулачев – крупнейший биохимик, Academician RAN, having the highest citation index of all biologists, working in Russia, – первый человек, who cured himself of cataracts. Drops are a solution of antioxidants and are called "Skulachev ions". Their trial is now underway in veterinary medicine, main patients are dogs. The cataract pandemic hit the world, treated only with surgery. What will happen after the mass introduction of these drops, how many clinics will close?!

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