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Cheap and high-quality television to every home or what is cartsharing

Cardsharing is an opportunity through your satellite receiver to get access to encrypted TVchannels through server on the internet. bad

How it works?

A special application is installed on the receiver and, after launch, sends a request to the server every 10 seconds to encrypt the channel. The server, in turn, sends the key to the receiver and encodes the image. Результат – вы можете смотреть платные ТВ кодированные каналы при этом не покупая оригинальную кару.

Еще одно преимущество использования кардшаринга – возможность смотреть каналы разных спутниковых провайдеров с использованием одного приемника. And all this for just a few dollars a month..

How you can start using cardsharing?

To start using you need to register on the website, replenish the balance, choose and purchase the package of interest, to get data, necessary to access and add them to the receiver.

note! Before buying a package for the first time, we recommend that you test the service by ordering free cardsharing test.

Why you should buy cardsharing from

Currently, you can find many online resources offering cardsharing services. but, the aforementioned server is more profitable compared to other competitors.

I guarantee, that you will not find cheaper cardsharing service of this quality. More 10 лет работы в этой сфере принесли компании свои плоды – в know how to provide stable and reliable services at an affordable price.

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