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How to fix the drywall to the wall: techniques and subtleties

Modern market of building and finishing materials gives us a lot of options for easy and beskhlopotnogo interior renovation in their apartments, rooms and houses. Looking to and learning, that is, fasten drywall to the wall very easy, you can come to a conclusion, this material is perfect for self-repair. The most pleasant, it can be the basis for the realization of virtually any design fantasies, because it makes the wall surface is perfectly smooth.

How to fix the drywall to the wall

Ways of attaching drywall to the wall is not a lot, rather, only two, is using the frame, and without the use of such. Selection of one or the second method again depends on the evenness of the wall, have their surfaces creating "a mad wizard", the frame can not do without, if above it bothered simply "domestic producers", you can use the frameless fastening method.

Certainly easier for independent attachment to the wall looks like a way without using the frame, nevertheless it is not necessary to be afraid of the frame. Besides, the frame can be considered mandatory, if the drywall in the latter will be mounted tiles, or a natural or artificial stone decoration material, ie comparative heavy. For finishing drywall, eg, French decorative plaster can be done without frame, true, given that, relatively flat surface against the wall.

Plasterboard interior

If you can create stunning your help in a residential interior drywall, eg, Door arch or arches, sharing a common space into separate zones, false chimney portals, original niche. Interesting ideas use drywall in the process of registration of residential spaces - weight, all of, or most can be found on the web, and adopting the, take advantage of, turning his dull-standard accommodation in a stylish apartment, decorated in any design style.

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