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Valenki - the hit of Russian winter

The harsh Russian winters are back! А вместе с ними возвращается и исконная русская обувь для холодов – валенки. For bitter frosts, humanity has not come up with anything better, так что сегодняшний герой – это наш, Russian felt boot. Modern felt boots are original in everything, it's not just shoes, this is a designer thing.

Technology: tradition and innovation

Modern felt boots inherited from their predecessors the original shape and manufacturing method. Today these shoes are made by hand from high quality sheep wool using technology, who came to us from our ancestors. But innovation, of course, could not help but touch this vintage shoe.

Boots are extremely comfortable, because in their production, different companies even use a special shoe, instep support and orthopedic sole. Due to these innovations, the felt boots ideally repeat the shape of the leg and you practically do not feel these super shoes on you.

Современные валенки – гордость дизайнеров

Today, the appearance of boots is so dressed up, which practically does not remind of its modest ancient brethren. You can buy felt boots bright and colorful, like the solar spectrum itself, украшенные вышивкой и стразами… Они в считанные мгновения создадут великолепное настроение, which will stay with you, while your legs are shod in this wonderful, cozy shoes.

Каждая вышивка – это настоящее произведение искусства. Charming roses and chic sunflowers bloom on soft felt boots, geometric patterns and exquisite ornaments scatter. In such shoes, you will definitely not go unnoticed.!

How to choose boots

Choosing a style for yourself, note, that there are boots on sale with and without soles. Valenki without a sole have more rounded and softer outlines and are designed to be worn at home or in the country. But the hemmed models will withstand the test of city streets.

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