Ламинат — хороший выбор для вашего напольного покрытия потому, that is waterproof and warm surface.
materials, needed for laying laminate:
— ламинированные доски;
— пластиковая пленка;
— канцелярский нож;
— карандаш или маркер;
— распорки;
— молоток;
— лобзик, desktop or handsaw;
— рулетка.
Stages laminate stacking:
1. Prepare the floor material, and
It is necessary to thoroughly clean the floor of debris and dust. The floor surface must be dry and smooth, without any protruding nails, screws, etc.. d. Material for floor coverings have to acclimate, leaving him in a room for at least two days. Приобрести нужный вам ламинат можно на сайте http://laminatminska.by/shop/laminat-34-klassa.
2. waterproof membrane
Directly on the floor, place a layer of plastic film, to create a barrier to the passage of moisture. If necessary, use adhesive tape, to overlap the edges of the plastic film. If the laminate boards are not supplied with pre-attached liner, you can lay a separate substrate before installing it. This will improve the sound insulation.
3. Select the method of laying laminate
Laminate boards can be placed along the longest wall, or across, diagonally (more complex version). If the material has a pattern, then navigate to it.
4. Crop material and laying of the first row
Measure the width of the room and calculate, Do I need to cut laminate boards. Cut the laminate to the desired size, with a saw or jigsaw. begin laying.
on, you install the first row of laminate, It will depend on the result of the entire. Therefore, better to spend more time on his neat and smooth installation, to install subsequent rows you will not be working. First thing, select the area of gender, which will start to work. You can start to lay laminate along the wall, or a doorway, etc.. d.
5. Installing laminate
Put the laminate planks rows, firmly fixing them with an adhesive or locking manner. The gap between the boards should be closed. Keep hammering, until the gap disappears.
When you get to the last row, you will need to shorten the length of the board wise way. You have to measure the distance between the wall and the last board installed, and then subtract the expansion gap - the width of the last row. Then cut the board along the line.
To put laminate around the heating tube, cut or drill a hole in it the desired diameter. Use a special cap on the tube, to cover the seam at the bottom.
Do not forget to put the spacers on all sides of the room and remove them, When the entire floor to be covered. At the end of, We attach a plinth.