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How to take care of the refrigerator to serve as long as possible?

Without refrigeration we can not imagine his life, therefore we are making great efforts when selected: We take into account the capacity and the necessary functions, as well as the class of energy consumption and the warranty. In spite of this, Few familiar with how to take care of him, refrigerator to serve as long as possible. If you are among these people, then this article is for you.

What would result from improper use of the refrigerator?

Improper use may lead to:

After reading the article until the end, you will learn how to avoid it.

How to defrost the refrigerator

In recent years become popular refrigerators, оснащенные системой противодействующей образованию льда, depending on the manufacturer it is called:

hey thanks, the frost does not settle on the chamber walls, and there is no need for regular defrosting the refrigerator. No Frost System is based on the forced circulation of cold air, it dries it and thereby prevents ice formation.

If you own an old refrigerator, we must once a month to carry out his defrost. Already small ice coating leads to excess power.

note! No Frost из-за циркуляции воздуха способствует высушиванию продуктов, therefore, it is desirable to store containers and other sealed packages.

How to clean the refrigerator

Специалисты рекомендуют проводить мойку раз в месяц вне зависимости от наличия системы No Frost или антибактериального покрытия. Independently prepared solution of the water and vinegar or special means, should wash:

Thus it is possible to prevent occurrence of unpleasant odor and bacterial growth.

If after washing a bad smell remained, it is recommended to spread evenly inside the coffee beans or put an open pack with baking soda.

note! Before you start cleaning from the security considerations it is recommended to remove the plug from the socket.

Check the tightness of the sealing rubber bands

In order to avoid cold loss occurred, all sealing gum must be integers. They must be regularly cleaned with a soft cloth and check for flexibility. The surest way to check is carried out using a piece of paper. Последний прикладывают к резинке и закрывают дверь – если листок слишком легко выходит, it is a sign to replace the sealing gum.

careful use

It is very important and at the same time a simple rule of thumb: Do not open the refrigerator door for a long time. Because of this, there is penetration of heat into the chamber, which subsequently leads to the necessity of the engine sytem. One thing to electricity overruns, more faster engine failure (life as we know it is not eternal). For forgetful users manufacturers even equip their model detectors, that after opening the door for a long time give to know, that it is time to close.

note! The refrigerator in any case can not put hot foods, eg, freshly brewed soup. The latter must first cool down to room temperature.

drain hole

refrigerators holders with No Frost system should take care of the cleanliness of the drainage holes, через которое стекает конденсационная вода. Иногда оно засоряется, This prevents the drain water collected and, as a result, приводит к чрезмерной влажности в камере. Besides, then you may receive an unpleasant smell inside.

Статья была написана при поддержке

In the following video we will talk about that, thawed and washed as a refrigerator, as well as about, how to get rid of the unpleasant odor. Enjoy watching.

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