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Wine educational program - how not to be mistaken with a choice of sparkling wine

Christmas champagne selection

Before approaching holidays all actively start buying the necessary products, and of course, alcohol. But, if in everyday foods, many more or less learned to understand, the right choice of champagne is some complexity.

On the eve of the New Year in great demand carbonated wine drinks. They are quite pleasant to the taste, bottled in beautiful bottles and, what is not less important, relatively inexpensive. but, to choose a quality drink and do not harm health, you need to understand the terminology. These drinks can be divided into two categories.

  1. The first type includes sparkling wine, eg, ruinart brut champagne. In their manufacture use of any chemical components are not allowed, basic ingredients - a yeast and grape.
  2. The other categories include wine drinks. Apart from the traditional yeast and grape, will be a part of numerous preservatives, flavoring etc. In such beverages, even bubbles will be unnatural, since the aeration produced artificially.

To distinguish a sparkling wine from the wine beverage, At first, you need to carefully examine the label. In accordance with the standards, the manufacturer is obliged to label products properly. attractive label, design of the bottle does not say about the quality of the drink. Unfortunately, and brand of alcohol and should not be to focus. Many well-known manufacturers of champagne in parallel mastered the production of wine products due to increased demand for such products.

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