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The license for garbage disposal

Garbage removal - pressing urban issues and the daily requirement. Внешний аспект вывоза мусора – это еще не все. Самое главное – правильная и своевременная утилизация помогает избежать экологических проблем. In areas of active human life large amount of debris can attract rats, mice, birds and other animals, which can become carriers of infections or epidemics.

company, dealing garbage disposal, You must obtain a license for this type of activity. For this, you must first prepare certain documents:

Obtaining a license for garbage disposal - a process long enough. Сначала предприятие пройдет обязательную проверку СЭС – на это уйдет приблизительно 2 of the month. Three months need to environmental impact assessment. Itself make out the license about a month.

Thus, licensing will need at least six months, and this despite the presence of all necessary documents. Besides, all cars, dealing with garbage disposal, or disposal must be certified.

Despite the long process of obtaining a license, this is, eventually, perhaps, make, the more that this document is issued for an indefinite period. order 10 regulations - the laws and regulations, regulate the licensing, recycling, handling and disposal of different types of waste.

Company, licensed to perform various actions with the garbage, It has to have a staff of professionals, who underwent a refresher course on how, how to properly dispose of and environmentally sound waste. In addition, the CPS must give the company its positive conclusion, particularly if they exported and rendered harmless dangerous substances.

When, if the company has not received a license, and working illegally, State punishes very severely. And the blame in this case and the customer, and singer, so few people want to entrust the illegal export of waste, and they will bear the same responsibility.

Company AGS-complex it has all the necessary waste handling license, поэтому заказчики при работе с нами спокойны – все работы ведутся точно в соответсвии с законом!

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