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Manufacture and sale of concrete and concrete products in Kazan

Виды бетона

Manufacturer of ready-mixed concrete Company "Concrete RT" sells in Kazan concrete, mortars and concrete. Concrete Plants "PT Beton" are equipped with modern innovative devices, which ensure the production of high-quality concrete mixtures. The high standard of the products and ensures quality control system and highly qualified staff with extensive experience.

Почему стоит воспользоваться услугами компании “Бетон РТ”

During the work the company was able to achieve not only high quality products, but also to organize coordinated work logistics, to accumulate vast experience in construction projects of any complexity. Also managed to significantly reduce the cost to the concrete price cube brands 7,5 равна 2300 rub.

Continuous quality monitoring of the plant's production is carried out in modern laboratories, and at construction sites. Also, the company has a separate laboratory that conducts development work in the field of development and introduction of innovative products.

В дополнение к основной деятельности компании Бетон РТ осуществляет услуги по транспортировке и перекачки бетонной смеси, and offers a wide Spector consultations on the application of the offered products.



The important characteristic is its concrete compressive strength. Guaranteed value determines the strength of concrete class. strength concrete, its durability and resistance to corrosion largely depends on its porosity.

concrete Kazan” предлагает следующие классы бетона:

road plates

Дорожные плиты производятся Бетон РТ являются продуктами многократного использования. They represent simple design concrete slab having protrusions which facilitate transport and assembly.

Дорожные плиты обладают высокой прочностью – даже самое тяжелое строительное оборудования выдержать для них не проблема. Используются при строительстве дорог с усиленным автомобильным движением а также для изготовления покрытий площадей.

Road plates is a popular alternative to asphalt roads. The advantages are obvious:

Road curbs and pavement

Бетон РТ производит дорожные и тротуарные бордюры. Современные бетонные бордюры выполняют много требований. Characterized by high strength, the ability to hold strong blows.

You can learn more about the company's offer for t:


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