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Harmonization of redevelopment of residential and non-residential premises.

The standard layout balahishovskih apartments does not always cause excitement among their inhabitants. Of course, much nicer to live in the house, to develop a design that you yourself had a hand - to reflect your personality. but, a flight of fancy, often, It can not be limited to the change of the interior, and requires complete redevelopment of apartments.

Make another room or to expand the existing, link multiple floors in a house in a residential structure, change the location of windows and doors in the apartment, build another balcony, or even to put a fireplace - high-quality and well thought-out redevelopment can realize almost any of your imagination, With regard to housing appearance. But the more important changes you are planning to, the more difficult it will be the coordination of redevelopment with housing services. Адвокаты Балашихи готовы помочь вам в оформление перепланировки, solve the problem of coordination of the project of any complexity, thus saving your time and nerves.

Lawyers Balashikha happy to assist you in the following situations:;

call 8 903 720-15-11.

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