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What is different from the router WiFi access point?

During the rapid technological progress questions about routers and points wi-fi access are quite often did. This is especially true of those people, which decided to hold Online and purchase the equipment or something for the home or office. The only thing worth noting, that an ordinary router and access point is inappropriate to compare, since each device for various purposes.

so, Now let us consider separately the two types of devices.

What is the point of access and "how to treat it".

Access point - this is the usual so-called wireless extender wired network, which accepts incoming traffic, that goes along the cable and gives the same traffic over a wireless connection (radïosïgnalw wi-fi). It also tend to accept incoming data wirelessly, passing them down the cable. Here in these two versions of the most commonly used access point.

The access point can also operate in the regime, wherein she takes, and transmits traffic over a wireless connection. This mode is called a repeater or repeater. But, When using this mode, there is a great risk of reduced data rate. If you use all of these modes of access point performs the function of the normal broadcast traffic, without performing other operations. In practice, the access point has only one port. The access point has a rather limited functionality, because it has no possibility to be a "pre-set" device as opposed to a router (router).

The router or router - it is more advanced device, which not only performs data transmission and reception functions, but also reallocates the data according to specified conditions (programming), performing tasks.

What is the wi-fi router is different in practice from the access point?

If your house is like a stationary PC, and a portable handheld device, in the case of an access point, you can not use the Internet services on a stationary PC, because the access point has a wired data interface. An advantage of the router is the presence of multiple wired data transmission rate and the presence of interfaces, which gives the provider. Regarding the level of network security, its useful to note, the router has a firewall functionality, and the access point has a simple traffic encryption, which again is not in its favor.

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