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Mobile Wireless Router. Advantages and disadvantages

A computer, a laptop, the tablet, Smartphone ... It seems, soon to a wireless Wi-Fi network, we will also be able to connect the tables and chairs, in order to immediately identify and calculate, how much has changed our weight after a hearty Sunday dinner. That is why the range of the router is so important not only for the office and a small cafe, but also for the home, where few people live and each of them has several devaysa. And if we do not want to give light weight his flat wires, the idea is to buy a wireless router seems to be very attractive.

What is a mobile wireless router?

In fact, a wireless mobile router performs the same function, that ordinary, that is, acts as an intermediary between the provider and the subscriber. Thus it also protects the compound, making it unavailable to other users. Modern mobile wireless router looks almost like a USB flash drive, and the weight of a little more than. Why do many Ukrainians are so fond of such kind of router? all because, it gives us the long-awaited freedom. Many people dream to simplify the process of connecting to the Internet, make the Internet accessible to almost anywhere in the city, wherein for multiple devices. In this case, the hanging wire conventional router is very annoying when cleaning. Once and for all get rid of such problems, advanced users rushed to the shops in search of a wireless router. But if he's so good, how to talk about it?

Advantages and disadvantages

Of course, a list of the advantages of the mobile wireless router is very impressive.

  1. Light weight model, density
  2. The ability to interact with all mobile operators
  3. Stand-alone operation of the built-in battery
  4. Opportunity to bring online several devices
  5. The possibility of constructing a local area network

The main advantage of wireless mobile router in the same freedom, you get. Now you will easily go online from their own cars (not only you, and all your passengers), You simply provide themselves with additional Internet sources, if there is no light at home or provider failed you some freelance breakdown. With this router, you can very well go online, while on holiday in the country, or go hiking in some wilderness.

With a router you can not only send messages to social networks and Skype, but also easy to drive in the game on a local network or even look a little video.

All of these indisputable advantages may inspire you to buy devaysa. And you will make it, but only after, how to see a list of cons.

Because the most important drawbacks is the low power transmitter wifi. Besides, stand-alone device is very long, so all the power supply you need. But the presence of a cigarette lighter in the car completely save the situation. For some models, there is one major drawback - the price. So should still weigh before making a purchase, the pros and cons.

In fairness it should be noted, that the models of mobile wireless routers have a great many. Each of them has its pros and cons. for example, more bulky and heavy model will be more expensive. Instead, they will delight you with a much larger period of autonomous work. In such models should capacious battery, so they weigh more, but resting in a tent on a wild beach, You will be able to enjoy a long Wi-Fi.

If you are on vacation confident, that the source of electricity is available to you, the small very light wireless routers is specially designed for you.

Make up your mind, choose, buy!

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