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How to wear stockings?

Чулки – очень сексуальная часть гардероба женщины. Admired men, and women for their simple design and type of. Today, women want to be sexy not only in their bedrooms, but at work and on the street. How can achieve this? Конечно же с помощью чулков от интернет магазина Тop-Кolgot!
How to wear stockings

How to wear stockings

Есть так много их типов, что легко запутаться. Пояс для чулков мы сейчас не рассматриваем – это дополнительный аксессуар, кроме того многие женщины предпочитают обходиться без него. Многие современные чулки имеют силикон на внутренней части, который плотно фиксирует их на ноге.

In choosing the material should take into account the season, during which you are going to wear them, as well as your own preferences.

Lycra stockings are considered classic. They can be thick or thin, almost invisible. Thick stockings kid is not so common for the cold season, like pantyhose. Subtle kid stockings look more natural, but do not protect from the cold.

As for colors, they may be different. The most popular are classic black stockings. However, some women prefer white or beige. Of course, there are other shades, including:

The Top-Kolgot you can buy stockings под любую одежду и под любой повод.

Modern stockings are often decorated with patterns, rhinestones, embroidery, so every woman can choose one option, that she likes. Thus, stockings - a universal thing, because they give you the comfort and look great on women's legs.

What to wear to the stockings

There is one rule, which should not be neglected. Stockings are considered underwear, therefore should not be seen. It is not necessary to carry them out from under a short skirt which would look out of lace. Stockings show femininity, because they should not be worn with sportswear. High heels, юбки – вот то, which is associated with a woman, who loves and wears stockings.

Socks increase a woman's confidence in its appeal. And though they can not be seen stranger, it does not prevent a woman feel sexy.

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