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Basics reliable choice tombstones. Is it possible to save something with the purchase of a monument?

Основы выбора надёжного надгробия. Можно ли на чём-то сэкономить при покупке памятника?

When it comes time to install a permanent headstone, not immediately choose the product life, to avoid having every few years to engage in its restoration. The first note, conditions in which treatment material is performed, before Buy a monument on the grave of the price. Having professional equipment, Tool and comfortable, sculptors made better models, than master artisan production. Therefore it is necessary to choose the tombstones in the large ritual organizations.

The second important point is to find a reliable raw materials. To create a long-lasting product masters use Karelian granite. This stone is highly durable and malleable professional treatment.

Having finished the sculptural faceting raw materials, the master is applied to it the necessary texts, image and sanded until smooth surface gloss. This protects the stele from sunlight, heavy rainfall, severe changes in temperature. However, you can save a little if necessary, if you ask experts to polish only part ornamented gravestone.

The ritual organizations, employees perform all the necessary work, including the installation of tombstones in a cemetery. To cut costs, you can opt out of this service, and simply order Monument of Rybinsk. Specialists perform manufacturing standard products and copyright, first consider the most budget and have a small product range. To a variety of models, Wizard coated stones illustrations.

How to choose a ritual symbolism?

Each figure in the cemetery has its own designation. It is important to match the wrought images of religious or other beliefs of a particular late. Choosing images to joint tombstones, consider the characteristics of all the dead. Some pictures show a man belonging to a particular faith, while others reflect his character or talk about the cause of death. for example, the image of crossed swords indicates the loss of life in battle. There are also neutral symbols, transmitting grief (plakuchaya Iva, drapery, urns, dried leaves, fern) or the eternal memory (forget, pansies).

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