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Smart Home Manufacturers

Зачем нужна система умный дом

There is a saying "laziness is the engine of progress". Phrase, of course, paradoxical, but true. Man has always sought to facilitate his work with various improvised means. (this is how the tools of labor appeared), and with the growth of technical progress and completely "shift" their responsibilities to the "machines". Technology has evolved, and this trend only strengthened, people now increasingly rely on the help of technology.

Особенности “Умного дома”

Given that, that soon the whole world (including Russia, of course) will embrace a real boom in home automation, знания о системе “Умный Дом” окажутся совсем не лишними полезно будет иметь представление о том, what is the difference between products for designing a smart home.

There are many different foreign manufacturers of automation for complex automation of buildings and structures., but we already have our own, domestic manufacturers, an example would be Rubetek. The company is young, but has already managed to win her client and show herself on the market from a worthy side, which is confirmed by the National Award in the field of consumer electronics in Russia received this year "PRODUCT OF THE YEAR", more information about company and its products, see the official website

Все системы “Умный Дом” можно разделить на два стандарта “шинный” и “Х10” по принципу передачи управляющих сигналов. Технически грамотно было бы разделить все системы “Умного Дома” на централизованные и децентрализованные, but we set ourselves the task of acquainting as many people as possible (potential users of such systems!) с принципами действия и устройства “Умного Дома”, therefore, we chose such terms that are understandable for non-specialists.

Прежде чем перейти к ценам на оборудование “Умный Дом”, we will give you some more information about these two standards of home (and not only, by the way, home!) integrated automation.

The figure below shows a schematic diagram of the smart home system.

Tire system

В состав “шинной” системы входит:

The main advantage of the systems, based on this standard, is not only that, that they are easily adaptable and expandable in terms of the number and types of external devices (controlled and / or controlled), but even then, that in such systems, thanks to a special communication protocol, it is extremely easy to organize the processes of diagnostics and control of their constituent equipment. Therefore, what:

Перечислим наиболее известные на сегодняшний момент времени на российском рынке фирмы-производители оборудования для “Умного Дома” на основе “шинного” стандарта.

Standard X10

Основное преимущество стандарта “X10” состоит в том, что сигналы для управления “Умным Домом” передаются по, already existing in the house, electrical wiring.

Main manufacturers:

Solve, какое именно оборудование понадобится для реализации Вашего “Умного Дома” решать придется, naturally, only with you, taking into account all your requirements and wishes.

In this plan (цены на оборудование для “Умного Дома”) the situation is very similar to that of the price lists of the vast majority of computer companies: in the price lists of such companies, prices for components for a computer and some basic (most in demand) configurations of ready-made computers. Naturally, which most computer buyers are not particularly interested in, what kind of components will their computer consist of, the main thing for them, чтобы компьютер был “хорошим” и при этом уложиться в определенную денежную сумму. The prices for components are given for specialists., that is, for those, who works with these computers directly in the service plan.


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