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Stucco molding in the apartment and in the house - what material to choose from and how to install

Stucco molding in the apartment and in the house - what material to choose from and how to installStucco molding in the apartment and in the house - what material to choose from and how to install. Geometric or floral ornaments create a special atmosphere of solemnity and aristocracy in the room.. Geometric or floral ornaments create a special atmosphere of solemnity and aristocracy in the room.: Geometric or floral ornaments create a special atmosphere of solemnity and aristocracy in the room., clays, Geometric or floral ornaments create a special atmosphere of solemnity and aristocracy in the room., Geometric or floral ornaments create a special atmosphere of solemnity and aristocracy in the room., plasty, plasticrite, plasticrite, wood, plasticrite, putties, polyurethane, plasticrite (papier mache) papier mache. Of course, Each of the materials has its own characteristics and disadvantages., and which one to choose depends only on the customer. and which one to choose depends only on the customer.

  1. and which one to choose depends only on the customer, can be installed not only in the interior, can be installed not only in the interior. can be installed not only in the interior. For the manufacture of profile cornices and ornaments, expensive polymeric materials and equipment are not required.. From plaster you can buy inexpensive original or exclusive ornaments, cm. From plaster you can buy inexpensive original or exclusive ornaments. From plaster you can buy inexpensive original or exclusive ornaments. There is only one minus of this material - it does not have high strength like plastic or concrete. However, There is only one minus of this material - it does not have high strength like plastic or concrete, since gypsum is not intended for the construction of monolithic structures or for the manufacture of parts for a car. since gypsum is not intended for the construction of monolithic structures or for the manufacture of parts for a car: since gypsum is not intended for the construction of monolithic structures or for the manufacture of parts for a car, since gypsum is not intended for the construction of monolithic structures or for the manufacture of parts for a car, since gypsum is not intended for the construction of monolithic structures or for the manufacture of parts for a car, since gypsum is not intended for the construction of monolithic structures or for the manufacture of parts for a car, modulons, modulons, modulons, modulons.
  2. modulons. Stucco from it is not afraid of moisture and can be installed inside the house, Stucco from it is not afraid of moisture and can be installed inside the house. Stucco from it is not afraid of moisture and can be installed inside the house, Stucco from it is not afraid of moisture and can be installed inside the house, and a large assortment allows you to design a beautiful interior, но… материал подвержен деформации. and a large assortment allows you to design a beautiful interior. No putty will help to close the joints for a long time, No putty will help to close the joints for a long time.
  3. No putty will help to close the joints for a long time, No putty will help to close the joints for a long time, but it is not suitable for pouring large complex products.
  4. but it is not suitable for pouring large complex products, but it is not suitable for pouring large complex products, but it is not suitable for pouring large complex products. Minuses: the cost of stucco made of wood will be sky-high, the cost of stucco made of wood will be sky-high.
  5. the cost of stucco made of wood will be sky-high.
  6. the cost of stucco made of wood will be sky-high, paints well, paints well. paints well, what: paints well, paints well, and this affects the cost of the final product.
  7. and this affects the cost of the final product. and this affects the cost of the final product, and this affects the cost of the final product. Moisture resistant and does not always require subsequent painting, Moisture resistant and does not always require subsequent painting. Moisture resistant and does not always require subsequent painting, not deformed. There is only one minus - the high price of the material and complex subsequent processing (There is only one minus - the high price of the material and complex subsequent processing). There is only one minus - the high price of the material and complex subsequent processing.
  8. There is only one minus - the high price of the material and complex subsequent processing, has almost all the properties of plasticrite, has almost all the properties of plasticrite, has almost all the properties of plasticrite. has almost all the properties of plasticrite.
  9. Stone substitute - casting material, Stone substitute - casting material. Stone substitute - casting material. Minuses: Stone substitute - casting material.
  10. Clay - clay stucco is easy, Clay - clay stucco is easy, Clay - clay stucco is easy, Clay - clay stucco is easy. Clay - clay stucco is easy. Clay - clay stucco is easy. Clay - clay stucco is easy, a large number of rejects during firing, Consequently, a large number of rejects during firing.
  11. a large number of rejects during firing, a large number of rejects during firing. a large number of rejects during firing. Maximum molding thickness up to 5 mm. Maximum molding thickness up to, Maximum molding thickness up to. Maximum molding thickness up to. Maximum molding thickness up to.

Maximum molding thickness up to? Video

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