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6 ways to update the appearance of the door

What to do with the terrible view of the front door? The fact, that doors from the 80s and 90s are not the most beautiful. Most often they are upholstered in some kind of soft leather of an indefinite color.. They are the bane of apartment owners and decorators., Of course, nothing prevents us from buying new ones. doors, but we also have some great ideas, what to do with an ugly front door.

6 how to decorate doors

1. Декоративные планки – мой любимый способ! Ordinary front doors will become very elegant, if you trim them with wooden planks. You can go further and decorate niches with them!

2. Upholstery replacement. Ugly, dull and dull skin, which the doors are upholstered, can be replaced with a new one, more attractive. If you are afraid to make this decision yourself, отнесите их к мастеру – обивщику.

3. Decorative nails. Update boring doors with decorative nails. It depends on your imagination what kind of pattern you will create from them..

4. repaint. The easiest and cheapest way to freshen up the look of your front doors. With the help of ordinary paint, the "ugly duckling" can be turned into a beautiful swan. A bold decision would be repainting in black or red..

5. graphite paint. It's an increasingly popular idea to update the look of a door.. Children love to draw on them., минус – нужно постоянно вытирать…

6. Wallpapering. Thanks to pasting the entrance doors with wallpaper, you could not only visually enlarge the space, but also do like this, that incredibly ugly doors will become completely invisible!


It is not recommended to decorate doors of any type with stickers or drawings.. Leave these things for teenagers and children.. but, if among you there are lovers of such solutions, then heed this advice:
It's time to grow up!

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