The most economical and practical way to get a new bath
acrylic liner in an old bathtubsanitary engineering
Bathroom renovation is one of the most expensive types of apartment renovation, and it’s unlikely that anyone can carry out major repairs for less than a hundred thousand rubles
Living room in scandinavian style – features and design principles
Living room, decorated in small Scandinavian styleInterior
Scandinavian-style interior always pleases with spaciousness, sublime simplicity and functionality. Bright colors and lots of wood – distinctive features of this style.
Construction company – how to choose the best?
There are many construction and renovation companies on the market, offering their services. However, sometimes it happens, that the declared reliability of the company is not confirmed in practice.
How to choose the right cargo taxi
How to choose the right cargo taxiTips
In order to optimize the cost of transport services, first of all, it is necessary to choose the right transport, necessary for you.
Soft roof or metal tile: what to prefer?
Soft roof or metal tileHow to choose
Solving, what material to use for the roof, the home owner often has to choose between the two most popular and common options
What kind of wood is better to build a wooden house from
home from a barTips
When choosing a tree for building a house, the breed and material processing technology matter.. Правильная оценка всех параметров позволит максимально
How to choose a 3G signal amplifier for a summer residence?
3G signal amplifier for a summer residenceTips
Relaxing outside the city, the majority continue to actively use the Internet. If the data reception quality wants to be the best, стоит приобрести усилитель
We create a cozy microclimate at home - types and features of Ballu split systems
split system BalluVentilation
Compact and versatile split systems are the most popular devices for creating a comfortable room temperature. Такой аппарат имеет важное
How to lay a larch floorboard yourself: installation methods and their features
Beautiful wooden floor looks gorgeous in the apartment, and in a private house. But so the floorboards do not creak, there were no gaps between the individual elements, necessary
Choose a shower
shower enclosuresBathroom
What will help save space and water consumption, like a shower. Therefore, the popularity of cabins is growing every day.. Приняв решение купить душевую