How to choose a router for home?

so, Did you understand, Without a router you can not do. Yes and how else, because it is thanks to this wonderful instrument can watch any movies on the internet, Just lying in bed. From anywhere in the apartment have access to a favorite site or page in the social network. It's so convenient and practical, It is available at a price not difficult to use.

Ubiquiti routers

But to set up a home wireless network, you need to buy a router. The choice of these devices is huge, It is good only in part. One side, each of us can choose the thing is not only great signal transfer, but also fit perfectly into our budget, as well as in the interior of our apartment. But in other way, many worthy choices make us doubt, and even the most sophisticated buyer easily get lost in such a variety of routers. How to choose a router for home?

Main characteristics router, to be considered.

Router - a product of a relatively inexpensive and easy to use. And how could it be otherwise - because it is intended for home use, for any user - not technically savvy and buys it not for the serious problems, but mainly for entertainment. So do not buy the pricey models - they, of course, They work quickly and efficiently, protect data from loss and the network itself from hacking, but for home use expensive models are often "too much". So quietly, pay attention to the average cost of routers - they will not let you.

However, read the following characteristics of your router, before, what counted out for him the necessary amount.

1. Data Transfer Rate.

Each router has a maximum data transfer rate. Note, that sometimes the data rate will be lost. Most often it will be a little lower than the speed, declared by the manufacturer, so buy the device with a sufficiently high data rate (from 100 Mbit / s), because you do not want, so that favorite movie was pumped for several hours, and even downloading was interrupted at the most interesting because of the hovering router?

2. Stability transmission ISP signal.

Router - a, in fact, an intermediary between the provider and the electronic devices with wi-fi adapter, that you have at home. clear, that unstable and unreliable mediator would nullify the efforts of providers to bring to you a quality Internet signal. Of course, You're unlikely to learn from the description of the router model, How stable is it in. but know, that well-known manufacturing companies work tirelessly on their devices, changing the firmware and improving their quality. Do not choose a router from an unknown manufacturer - then you run the risk of being left with nothing.

3. coverage radius.

covering radius - the same distance, to which your device transmits the Internet signal. Than it is wider, the further you move away from the router to your noutom or tablet, enjoying high-speed Internet connection. Summing up So, choosing a router, decide, what exactly you need it. For entertainment purposes only and low-speed home Internet should be fine low-budget model - eventually, for such little money and update the device can be.

Choose the model from the proven, known manufacturer - Mikrotik, Ubiquiti. Выбирайте прибор с достаточно широким радиусом передачи сигнала. And do not be afraid to shop - the main thing in this business practice!

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