Training of workers on labor protection – peculiarities

Training of workers on labor protection - peculiaritiesTraining of workers on labor protection – this is a process, aimed at increasing knowledge, skills and competencies of workers in the field of safety and health at work. Training of workers on labor protection has the following goals:

  1. Accident Prevention, injuries and occupational diseases at work.
  2. Compliance with legislation and regulations in the field of labor protection.
  3. Improving the quality and efficiency of the labor process.
  4. Increasing employee motivation and responsibility for their health and safety.

Training of workers on labor protection may be of different types, such as:

  • Introductory training. This is training, which is carried out for new employees or upon transfer to another position or workplace. Introductory training familiarizes workers with the basic rules and requirements for labor protection at the enterprise.
  • Periodic training. This is training, which is carried out regularly for all employees in accordance with established deadlines or when working conditions change. Periodic training is aimed at repeating and updating knowledge and skills in labor protection.
  • Special training. This is training, which is held for employees, employed in hazardous or hazardous industries, as well as for employees, performing particularly responsible or complex work. Special training gives workers specific knowledge and skills in labor protection, necessary for their activities.

Training of workers on labor protection – this is an important and mandatory part of work organization, which contributes to the creation of safe and healthy conditions for workers and the enterprise as a whole.

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