endocrinologist – what disease cures? When he was going

Endocrinology focuses on endocrine disorders, that is, hormonal disorders. Endocrine glands secrete substances, that (eg, through blood) enter the body – organs or tissues. The role of the endocrine glands is hormone production, as well as in control of their secretion.

Endocrine system

are endocrine glands: thyroid, thymus, pineal gland, parathyroid glands, pituitary gland, hypothalamus, adrenal glands, pancreas , testicles, ovary, and in pregnant placenta.

What diseases are treated endocrinologist?

Medicine knows a lot of diseases, affecting the endocrine system. They include, among other things,:

  • thyroid disease, including hyperactive, neaktivnыe, goiter, tumor, inflammation (Graves' disease, Hashimoto's disease);
  • parathyroid disease – HYPOTHRYOIDISM, hyperthyroidism (eg, associated osteoporosis),
  • pituitary gland disease – tumor, hyperthyroidism, HYPOTHRYOIDISM, acromegaly, diabetes insipidus, Cushing's disease;
  • adrenal glands – hyperthyroidism, HYPOTHRYOIDISM, tumor, Addison's disease, Cushing's syndrome, primary aldosteronism (Horse syndrome), gipoaldosteronizm;
  • pancreatic disease, including tumor, diabetes;
  • diseases of the genital glands – Polycystic ovary syndrome, menstrual irregularities, impaired fertility,
  • androgenic syndromes, such as excessive body hair or alopecia, acne. and so on. d

When to see an endocrinologist?

Symptoms endocrine disorders vary depending upon the particular disease. Nevertheless, frequently recurring symptoms are chronic fatigue / exhaustion and general weakness. After observing your symptoms you should contact your doctor, that after the interview may refer you to endocrinologist for further diagnosis. To check the level of hormones you should have blood tests or urine. Further treatment depends on the type of disease. Besides, as a preventive measure is necessary to address to the endocrinologist, eg, if a family has a disease of the endocrine system.

Sometimes it is difficult to determine the reasons, вызывающие развитие эндокринных заболеваний . Также известно, что гены могут играть роль здесь. Nevertheless, age and environmental factors also affect our endocrine system.

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