Company "Alex-Mebel" – the best furniture for your home
The selection and purchase of furniture - is a pleasant and at the same time troublesome process, which should be given a lot of attention. Online furniture shop "Alex-Mebel" –
Solid wood furniture
Wood – one of the best materials for the manufacture of furniture. its hardness, Colour, texture, стойкость к истиранию в сочетании с мастерством плотницких
How to choose the right chairs for the kitchen
Стулья для кухни играют куда более важную роль, чем кажется на первый взгляд. Только представьте, как много бы вы потеряли, если бы решили обставить кухню
Why you should buy a wooden table for your kitchen and dining room?
деревянный столFurniture
Деревянный стол является синонимом роскоши, но при этом не обязательно должен стоить целое состояние, потому как ассортимент настолько велик, что каждый
8 inspirations design small bedroom
At arrangement of bedrooms owners usually do not bother about the choice of style and furniture, since it has access only to a husband and wife. Что же делать когда
Wine cabinet for storing your wine
wine rack for homeFurniture
Enjoy the taste of wine from his own collection is extremely pleased. However, it should also be aware of expensive drinks retention rules, ведь от покупки до
Furniture made of any materials is better to buy
Buying new furniture - exciting procedure. I want to buy a beautiful and reliable model, which will be pleasing to the eye and serve for many years.
Chair with wheels for personnel - selection rules
head, caring staff, I am obliged to buy an office chair, providing ease of operation. If the rooms are small and everything at your fingertips
Dining tables – each meal as a dinner party
It's not a secret to anybody, a dining table that can affect not only our mood, but even on appetite, поэтому стоит подойти со всей серьезностью к вопросу
In the legs there is no truth, the whole truth in the stool
Chairs and stools people invented a long time ago. Then the concept of interior design did not exist, but, convenience criterion was already in first place.