House project with attic _APS 146

House project with attic _APS 146


House project with attic _APS 146

House project with attic _APS 146

House project with attic _APS 146

House project with attic _APS 146


  • Effective area: 118,60 m2
  • + garage: 19,30 m2
  • + basement:m2
  • + attic:m2
  • + boiler room / pom. economic:m2
  • POV. overall: 187,00 m2
  • Built-up area: m2 108,00
  • volume: 628,20 m3
  • building Size: 11,96 m × 9,48 m
  • Minimum land: 20,00 m x 17,50 m
  • building height: 8,08 m
  • The main roof inclination angle: 38°

Ground floor

House project with attic _APS 146

  • 1. hallway 3,50 m2
  • 2. Hall 6,70 m2
  • 3. Living room 22,00 m2
  • 4. Bedroom 12,20 m2
  • 5. Garage 19,30 m2
  • 6. Stairs 7,50 m2
  • 7. Restroom 2,10 m2
  • 8. kitchen 11,10 m2


House project with attic _APS 146

  • 1. corridor 4,20 m2
  • 2. stairs 5,30 m2
  • 3. Bathroom 7,20 m2
  • 4. Bedroom 8,60 m2
  • 5. Bedroom 19,50 m2
  • 6. Bedroom 9,90 m2


House project with attic _APS 146

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